TRANSITION | What I Love About Spring

Opening up all the windows and doors to clear out the stale air of winter.

Cleaning off the outdoor furniture and making things ready for the season ahead.

Anticipating many new-to-me surprises growing in the garden as this is my first Spring in my home.

Chasing the plethora of after-storm rainbows that appear over Lake Huron and local farm fields.

Pot holes get filled in and all of the sand and snirt of the season get all cleaned up.

Mornings that envelop my neighbourhood in a thick fog.

Enjoying the promise of bright pink blooms that will appear on my neighbour’s ancient Hawthorne tree.

Getting my hands dirty as I fill containers with simple ferns for the front entry.

Listening to the sound of rain patter on the roof as I doze.

Planning the extensive exterior renovations, and the new gazebo, driveway, and hosta garden.

Waiting for the big flag to replace the smaller (winter) version at the flag pole in town.

Moving my reading spot from inside to out on the front porch couch.

The soothing response of my newly cleared skin by my rubbing CBD oil directly onto it.

Heading down to MedCan in Toronto for my annual health assessment.

Diet changes from heavier comfort food to lighter, fresher, choices.

Window shopping on High Street.

Gathering my camera to head out for local photo walks and field trips to include waterfalls and a forest labyrinth.

Playing Vivaldi’s “Spring” while preparing Sunday brunch.

Watching the grass turn from a muddy brown to brilliant green.

Dining al fresco with friends - patio season is almost here!

Visiting and supporting farmers’ markets and roadside stalls on weekend mornings.

Preparing for the upcoming Book + Belongings sale with a big clean out of the garage and storage areas.

Evenings are warm enough to watch the stars shine bright overhead - and visits from the Aurora Borealis.

The constant unfolding, witnessing nature come back to life after a long cold hibernation.


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