HOLSTEE | Intention
January is the month to focus on Intention. The workbook goes to great lengths to describe the difference between setting a goal and setting an intention. A goal is about what you want to achieve (with a focus on the future and external accomplishments) whereas an intention is the purpose behind your actions (with a focus on who you are now and your internal state of being). The workbook is filled with all kinds of smart information that can be applied to life in a multitude of ways. And chock full of inspiring quotes to start the year.
In this space, I plan to share the REFLECT & DISCUSS portion of the workbook.
(I had already done my usual practice of choosing a guiding word for this year (MORE); my list of the 22 things I’d like to accomplish in 2022; and, my dream board. I used those resources to answer the questions posed for two reasons: consistency and not to reinvent the wheel.)
What are your best habits or routines?
My absolute best domestic habit is: the inside of my cupboards and drawers are immaculate - completely labelled, organized with everything having a home. If it doesn’t have a home, it’s not welcome in my home. I love being able to find anything at any time. It flows well with the fact I have a list for everything and my calendar is used regularly.
What are your worst habits or routines?
Lack of consistency and then the recriminations when I “fail”. Hitting a bump that takes me out of a routine. I may have a list, alarm, or appointment in the calendar, it does not guarantee that I show up, especially if I’m distracted with something else.
If you could only accomplish one goal this year, what would it be?
I want to be physically flexible - get up and down from the floor with no effort. In order to do that I need to see my chiropractor, RMT, and Pilates reformer trainer each week, in the case of Jackie, my trainer, at least twice. AND, I need to independently stretch on the Pilates reformer every day - and do my “windshield wipers” as well as cat/cow stretches when I wake and before I go to sleep at night. I’d also like to add a 20-minute session of “legs up the wall” just for my overall health - and to test my getting up and down off the floor!
What do you want to change most about your life this year?
Of course, my first response is to get rid of the pandemic-induced restrictions. I recognize I have zero control over that, only how I behave with the fluctuating constraints in place. In this personal one year, I want to be okay with not “accomplishing” anything. The stress of producing, the wrong-headed belief that my worth is directly associated with what I do and how much I do is both exhausting and revolting. I will give myself permission to take this year and mentally percolate - allow what is new to find me. I want to live a year of que sera sera - what will be will be - and be completely comfortable with it. Rather than pre-determining a specific outcome, I want to be surprised by what evolves with no direction from me (other than honouring my boundaries and my commitments.) I’d like this to be a year of experimenting. What lights me up? What stories are inside? How do I want to show up every day? Who do I want to share in my days? What makes my soul sing?
What’s one thing you could do today to encourage that change?
Meditate. Listen to music. Binge a show. Take a nap. Read a chapter or two. Enjoy a slice of carrot cake. Make soup or chili. Take a walk. Play with the dogs. Stretch. Connect with friends. Write. Book a massage. Go out to eat. Capture some phootos. There are so many options.
What habits do you want to focus on this year?
I’d like to be kinder and gentler with myself - stop focusing on what didn’t work out, what simply couldn’t be, what couldn’t be prevented, and start focusing on all the good things in my life and everything I’ve accomplished. I want to be keenly aware of the narrative in my head and not let it be in charge. I want to be in the here and now - not in the past, not in the future, simply be in now.
If you could magically change one habit in your life, what would it be and why?
I spend a crazy amount of time crafting the “perfect” day - block time, design a flow, provide for consistency - and then when a reminder pops up on my computer/phone, I dismiss it. I spent HOURS designing, planning and colour coding my life. I have lists that correspond with the calendar that aligns with the iPhone alarms. Why would I ignore it all? I’d like to hit snooze less. I’d magically honour my time and effort by just doing what I’m telling myself to do!
For those interested in why I have such structured days: I’m a driven, A-type, evolving INT/FJ, eldest, Virgo’s Virgo, HSP, and I need these things in place to accomplish all that I used to want to accomplish (see above). Now? I need the structure because when my retirement met the pandemic I realized I don’t want to be that person who sleeps until noon and never gets out of her jammies. That is absolutely fine if that’s what you want to do - I don’t. I get up at 8AM (which still feels like sleeping in after years of waking at 6AM). I have active days: reformer Pilates on Tuesday and Friday, chiropractor and RMT on Wednesday, grocery pick up on Monday and Thursday, and chores (maintenance, dog grooming, hair cut) on Thursdays. Beyond that, my time is my own - and that’s just way too much time. I try to get to bed for 10PM but depending on what I’m watching, it could be much later, and that’s okay - I still get up early-ish. It seems to be the only alarm that’s non-negotiable.
What about you? How do you want 2022 to show up, and how will you show up for yourself?