PROJECT | #DecemberReflections2022
Susannah Conway was back to host the last of her three annual photography prompt projects. Even though December is traditionally a full month, I do like these challenges and posted the daily response to the prompts on my Instagram account, @lee_currie_nlp.
01. Here I Am
I am not crazy about selfies, or being on the other side of the shutter, but I did love this @Camilla top I wore to a wedding in Niagara-on-the-Lake in October. My promise to myself for 2023 is to be in more photos, proof that I show up and am present every day.
02. Favourite Mug
Every day I drink many cups of tea. I learned that as many were forgotten as were consumed, so I switched to drinking from a Swell bottle in an effort to keep my tea as hot as I can. An exception, once a day, in the early afternoon, in my favourite purple mug, I make myself a solar plexus tea from Buddha Teas. Love me a tea with purpose, and it always comes with a lovely message. Today it was an Alice Walker quote: “Time moves slowly but passes quickly” a welcome reminder to savour every minute!
03. Best Book of 2022
Last December, I pre-ordered Sarah Addison Allen’s newest book, “Other Birds,” for which I was thrilled and skeptical. The author, one of my favourites, had been through a lot, plus a pandemic; how would this story show up? It was delivered over the Labour Day weekend, and I was delighted by all of it, and I devoured it in a day. Absolutely worth the 9+ month wait. If you enjoy magical realism and southern US settings, this book is great. All her books are what I need a novel to be: an escape from reality with lovely insights into what makes us tick.
04. If I Were An Animal
For this prompt, I went to Colette Baron-Reid’s Spirit Animal Oracle Deck and read the descriptions for each animal. The one that resonates with me today is CANARY. “The message: Canary Spirit arrives to help you find your authentic voice and express what is in your heart. Free yourself to experience your inner light and let it shine, as Canary Spirit sings to remind you of your inherent joy and to support you as you sing your own song. Now is the time to let the world know who you really are. Canary Spirit’s message is that you are free to be yourself and express your most cherished desires. The world wants to hear your song! If your inquiry is about a relationship, you’re being called to fully be yourself, for only then will you find harmony and joy. You can make music with others so beautifully when your note rings true.”
📸: Google
05. Biggest Challenge of 2022
I participated in NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month), not for the first time, but it was the only time I met the challenge of writing 50,000 words; I wrote close to 58,000 in 30 days! The fact that zero of those words existed in October comes as a bit of a surprise; even the story was barely much of a thought. I had an idea about characters and a hint of what I wanted to say, but really, I spent the month allowing the characters to direct themselves - I simply recorded what they wanted to say and do. Now I’m letting it marinate. I have another 25-30,000 words to write to make it cohesive, then it’ll be ready to winnow down only to be built up again. The real work is about to start!
06. Brings Me Comfort
I live a relaxed and simple life now that I follow the flow of the divine feminine found in the Wheel of the Year, the phases of the moon, and a bit of woo. I find the 28-day cycles of the moon give me just enough structure to catch and release during her full and new phases. It’s that structure that brings me comfort and the knowledge that each cycle carries the flavour of whatever sign she’s in, so that by the end of the year I’m able to visit all of the parts that make me whole. For example, tomorrow, there is a full moon in Gemini, so I will focus on the energy it brings, which is all about thinking and communication - what conversations do I need to have? what am I overthinking?
07. 5 Things About Me
Forgive me if I’ve responded to this prompt with the same things about me before! Thing 1: Often my greatest joy is found in the writing of a good list or organizing my calendar. I love planning and dealing with complicated logistics. Thing 2: I swear often, I have a serious potty mouth and with enthusiasm, I drop F-bombs frequently. Thing 3: I surround myself with bold colours, deep purple in the living room, rich rusty orange in the kitchen and pool table (used to be dining) room, and saturated turquoise in my bedroom. Colour makes me happy. Thing 4: I am not a hugger. Here’s my space; there’s your space. Though I’m told I give good ones, it’s never been my thing. I hug my kids. I hug friends I’ve known for years. I hug their kids. Strangers? I do not hug. Thing 5: I learned last month that I write better in silence or to the many choices of 4+ hour focus music on YouTube. I love my playlists so much, but they are a distraction!
08. Gold
As a bit of a decorating departure, I have gold fixtures on my closet and large writing desk in my bedroom. Most fixtures throughout the house are black, but with the deep turquoise walls, the gold just makes sense. And it’s an nice gold, not the brassy gold of the ‘80s, thank goodness! I don’t want to go back to that ever again.
09. This Was Unexpected
Every once in a while I sit in my darkened great room, looking through the windows and enjoy the snow quietly falling. Often I feel like I’ve moved into an honest-to-goodness snowglobe (that effect will be amplified once the renovations are done). How did I get here? Much of the time since Bill’s death has been a blur. I’ve allowed my instincts to take over: feels good? do it; feels bad? don’t do it. Simple. I bought my home here on the Saugeen River three months after Bill left us, it was a scary prospect so I kept busy with distractions - renovations are good for that. My attention will be further diverted for another year and possibly more as we renovate the exterior! After an initial delay, I’ve been living in this new home for a little less than 18 months and my whole world has changed. I feel like the last 3 years have been unexpected. The highest of highs, the lowest of lows, and now I’ve settled (in a good way) into a comfortable rhythm; this feels like home. I’m more than content knowing this was a brilliant choice for me. (And if you know me, you know that I believe I was guided to all of it, and I have Bill to thank.)
10. Brings Me Joy
When my kids were 16, 15, 13, and 12, I became a single mum, which came with plenty of challenges but way more joy. Here we are, ten years later, at my younger daughter Chloé’s graduation with her Masters in International Public Policy in October. I love that everyone insisted on being at the ceremony, which created a logistical challenge, but supporting her on her big day was worth it. I think that’s the part that brings me the most joy; though they have their differences, and they truly are four points on a compass (me being the only thing they have in common), they always come together with love, compassion, understanding, support, and silliness. I’m super proud of all of them, all of us. I think it might be time to exhale!
11. Best Decision of 2022
I started therapy. After being on a year-long waiting list, in June, I started EMDR. Why? There were old stories, limiting beliefs, bubbling up and attacking my hard-earned confidence and flow. I had automatic reactions to events that weren’t consistent with the life I’m looking to live or who I want to be. It’s a last-ditch effort to move the armour (weight) as I’ve tried everything else; it’s time for it to go! I know one thing for sure, in order for it to leave, I have to feel safe. I’ve only felt that once in my life and now I have to create that feeling alone. Therapy is providing me with the support I need as well as a loose make-all-the-wrong-turns-to-get-to-the-right-place journey.
📸: Google
12. Little Me
Here I am with my two younger sisters; in January 1969, I was 4 1/2. At the time, we had moved to Boston from Saint John, New Brunswick so my father could attend Harvard and earn his MBA, he was the old man in his class; my mother worked as a nurse at Beth Israel Hospital. I have a lot of facts about that time; I don’t have many solid memories though I have many feelings that continue to linger. All I see in the photo are three little girls who had a mother who clearly didn’t know how to use scissors to cut hair properly (no doubt my fault). And the fact that I look exactly the same as I did then, except with a better cut!
13. Delicious
To me, delicious means comfort food and there is nothing more comforting than a grilled cheese with tomato soup. We have a local bakery where I get the most lovely fresh baked flax bread, perfect for my grilled cheese, using marble cheddar slices, of course. And, as a surprise to me, earlier this year I received a subsitute in my grocery order for organic, vegetarian, and gluten free creamy tomato soup from a manufacturer new to me. It is utterly yummy and I’ll never buy another brand. The combination has quickly become my snowy day go-to meal. Thank you to @OffShoreBakery, @KraftHeinzCanada, and @PacificFoods for this deliciousness!
14. I Said Hello To
@CamillaWithLove! Camilla is a fashion house from Australia that carries multiple lines of prints, all beautiful flowy fabrics with blingy embellishments. I know several people who wear the clothing, and I’ve always avoided it simply because the pieces are expensive and who was I to own anything so dear? Well, it turns out there is nothing so precious, and I’m worth it. So I bought myself one piece, then two, then six, and now I have a dozen tops and kaftans that simply make me happy. (Note: sales are frequent!)
15. Journal | Planner
I am a big fan of my At-A-Glance Academic Monthly Planner, and, of course, my large gridded Moleskine journals. I use the planner for the “big” plans, primarily to keep me on track for writing or creative endeavours. My Moleskine keeps all of my notes in one place. Recipes, ideas, overheard conversations, class notes, it all gets put in the journal. I’ve only recently moved to this larger size and I have to admit, I love it! A new addition is my Daily Planetary Guide as I’ve found it so much easier to live my life in the energy flow of the Universe rather than constantly wondering why things are so difficult to accomplish!
16. Treasures
If you know me, you know I’m not sentimental. There is nothing so precious that I would consider it a treasure. I’m not attached to things. People? Yes. Stories? Yes. Things? No. This was a tough prompt because I interpret a ‘treasure’ as a tangible object. So, this evening my dog nutritionist delivered meals for my boys for the next five days. THESE are my current treasures. I had to laugh as I was writing - my DOGS get a nutritionist, yet, I’m on my own! Comical, and I know the old me would have had a lot of judgment about it. I’m chalking this up to evidence of my evolution!
17. I Said Goodbye To
It was hard, but sometime mid-year I said goodbye to my need to have daily conversations/contact with Bill. It took some time, but I knew I had to get used to living in a world without him in it, even though he’d been physically gone for more than two years. I’d been holding onto his memory so tightly, it wasn’t serving me or the life I want to live. I needed to say goodbye to him in order for me to find myself. Bill will always be a part of me, he’s my Anam Cara for eternity, part of my DNA. I said goodbye to the ritualizing of our memories, sacred dates on the calendar. To his delight, I always told him that I didn’t need him, but I did want him. It was time for me to release the need that only arrived upon his death.
18. Handwritten
I make class notes on 4”x6” index cards and usually write in pencil. This is the only time I handwrite anything besides my daily journals. Everything else is typed up on my website, in my Notes app, or in a Word document.
19. Circles
As the circle of life spins, I’m grateful for the special times spent with my four adult kids as we experience life together. In this photo, we were at the Impudent Oyster in Chatham, MA, for a day this past summer. I appreciate that those times are becoming rare as the years go by, and their lives naturally fill up with their own adventures and priorities. I’m excited for all of them and for me to witness how their lives will evolve and change in the years to come.
20. One Year Ago
The pandemic continued to rage, forcing our plans to change; that resulted in the cancellation of our holiday trip to Jamaica (let’s hope history does not repeat itself!). A quick scramble and lights were lit, presents purchased and wrapped, cookies baked, and we pulled off a lovely Yuletide season with family and friends.
21. Growth
Is a mindset. It’s curiosity and a willingness to stay open to change; it’s how I hope to continue showing up in the world. Intended or not, there has been plenty of growth for me in the last few years. It was tough, uncomfortable, and necessary, and I’m grateful for going through all of it.
22. Made Me Laugh
These boys, the three dogs (Tucker, Finn, and Hank) and a favourite human are always goofing around. They never fail to make me laugh with their antics. I’m so blessed.
23. Orange
There is a valid argument that the showstopper sunsets (not kidding, not even a little) up here happen in the winter. The colours are so bold, with pinks and purples giving way to orange. From my front porch, I often get a beautiful show. I may also be a bit biased as I more easily enjoy the sunset over Chantry Island in the winter, as in the summer, the sun is farther to the right of this photo and a challenge for me to capture.
24. Stillness
Is a feeling I desire, as a reality, it is my happy place. Especially in the bluster of a storm, I can go inward and connect with my core quiet, with my breath. In that stillness, I’m able to sort through my thoughts and emotions, big and small (and sometimes I have them confused, one for the other). It’s in the stillness that I consider my next right action. I often find my most profound stillness on a windy day at the beach or in the middle of a thunderstorm - I thrive best when the outer elements are chaos; it makes my inner stillness calmer in contrast.
25. Today Is …
Sunday. For much of the world, this is Christmas Day. I no longer celebrate. Instead, for me, today is a day to spend at the beach where I will read a little, walk a little, swim a little, converse with my adult children a lot, and drink a few rum-based cocktails (we are in Jamaica, after all!). I might even start my Unravel The Year Ahead project (via @SusannahConway) that I printed at Blurb and brought along with me. Whatever today turns out to be it will be filled with many of the things I enjoy in life. I hope your day is as joy-filled!
26. So Grateful For …
Everything! The means and opportunity to get away for a few days allowing me to miss out on the blizzard adventures of home. Time with all of my kids is always a treat. And honestly, a week of sleeping without wet nose wake ups is also a welcome break. In the larger theme of things, I am most grateful to live a quiet, evenly paced, and meaningful life in a picturesque, small and quirky town where I feel free to be me, completely authentic and safe, every day. My gratitude is simple but heartfelt.
27. Windowsill
This is the windowsill found in my room while I’m on holiday in Jamaica. That’s it. That’s all.
28. Angel
On the occasion of Bill’s 57th birthday, a few months after he died, I sent to all who were important to him, an angel. A physical reminder of what a gift he was to all of us. Currently, my angel, sits on a shelf in the living room in front of his ashes, with my wedding ring and a couple of random dimes discovered while I was deep in grief - they definitely helped when I needed help most. As I’ve hoped (and planned) for the last two years, I want to bring him home this summer so he can be honoured exactly as he requested.
29. My Hope for 2023
For the first time in a long time, I’m able to turn my daily focus completely on myself, on those things that bring me comfort and joy. This year my hope is to show up with the courage to be myself, authentic and bold, never playing small again. I hope to write toward the completion of my novel in progress, with curiosity and a sense of fun. I hope to do all the things required to have me move more with less pain. And, I hope to manifest the life I want for myself with boundaries firmly in place. I’m clear on who I am and what I want. This year I hope to go out and get it.
30. Love Is …
The greatest force in the conscious Universe. It is the greatest gift we can give ourselves and to others. Love is something we are all entitled to simply by being citizens of the world. It can be found everywhere - even when we have to look a little harder to find it, it’s always there waiting to be given and received.
[Yesterday, at @TheJamaicaInn, I was able to witness an act of pure love, a number of newly hatched sea turtles being released in to the ocean. This endeavour has managed an 80% survival rate, compared to 3% in the wild. It was an honour to witness this effort. A good example of “if you look you will find.”]
31. My Word for 2023
BOLD. This is my 15th year choosing a guiding word. Annually, I participate to one degree or another with @AliEdwardsDesignInc and her course to keep my word front of mind. Some years the word has served better than others. For 2023 I’ve chosen a word that will force me to get out of my own way and show up for all of the wonderful possibilities of my life. I was struck by a quote, “Whatever you dream you can do, begin it. Boldness has genius, power and magic in it. Begin it now.” – Goethe. It was perfect. So, I purchased a necklace with “BOLD” written on the charm and a supporting tri-charm with “GENIUS,” POWER,” and “MAGIC” written on them so that when I wear them, I know to dream BIG and go for it.
And with that, there is my December Reflections, in photos. It can be a lot of work, but at the same time, this project settles seamlessly into my days and provides a routine where very little can be found. I’m looking forward to the April Love prompts! Join me!