MORE | December
It’s a wrap! How did MORE show up for me in 2023?
And with that, we’re done for another year.
I thought long and hard about my word for 2023. Why long and hard? This will be my 15th time participating in this project, and though I may always pick a word for my year, this will be my last participation in the creative part of the project. It’s enough for my word to inform my days, I don’t need to record how it shows up.
I do plan to go out with a bang! I’m tired of living small, conforming to the expectations and agendas of others. This process is exactly what I need to usher in a year of BOLD. I hope you’ll join me to witness how my new word shows up for me in 2023.
“Whatever you can do or dream you can, begin it.
Boldness has genius, power and magic in it. Begin it now. ”
Join me?