NOW | I Want

Wow. It’s been a beat since I’ve been here at my home on the www. My quiet and orderly life kind of exploded, not in a bad way at all, just me saying more “yes” than “no” to opportunities. I took some time to gather myself together and gear up to take Bill home with my kids (and dogs) over the Thanksgiving weekend; I’m dealing with more house construction that has proven to be more time-consuming than I expected; and, I raised my hand first to produce a newsletter for our local CFUW group, and now I find I’m a co-VP and co-leader of the Rovers (imagine local field trips) group. It’s all fun, and I’m happy to have made those choices. To do those things, I had to abandon some things that I love.

Lately, in my free time, I’m taking a couple of writing courses. It’s the middle of NaNoWriMo which has me writing a story a day just to get the gunk out so that I can have room to write the light and lovely elevated chick lit I know I have in me. Simultaneously, I’ve joined a remote writing group facilitated by a woman I’ve long admired (the participants are crazy talented!). I’m also in a small live-and-in-person writing group which has us tapping into our long-neglected* intuition to write. *Speaking for myself only.

It was that last group that gave me a tough homework assignment. You see, generally, except for books and world peace, I want for little. I’m content with my life and how I show up in it. It was tough to come up with things after about #8, but I spent a few days on it and managed my list of 100 things.


  1. To live a life of integrity, love, and daily joy

  2. To continue to foster healthy relationships with my adult children

  3. To practice alignment with no fear of reprisal

  4. To feel safe

  5. To find a way (without being white saviour woman) to make potable water available to everyone who needs it

  6. To give a lot of money each year to Covenant House in memory of my time on the streets of Toronto

  7. To get back into my daily metaphysical practices: oracle card pull, guided meditation, journaling

  8. To make decisions based on whether or not the situation serves my highest good - not the agenda of others

  9. To write ALL of the stories I have inside of me, with no expectation of publication, write because the stories need to be told, I want Spirit to support me and help me gather endless quality story ideas

  10. To ease my dogs’ ear pain - there seems to be nothing that can be done

  11. To spend part of February in Turks + Caicos with one, two, or three out of my four kids, every year – I’ll find someplace on the west coast for Cole

  12. To know that I am enough when I wake up, when I go to sleep, and every minute in between

  13. To encourage curiosity and growth in myself and others

  14. To lose 10, then 20, then 30, then 40, then 50, then 60, then 70, then 80, then 90, then 100 pounds

  15. To eat better, more consistently - starvation mode is not working for me

  16. To avoid the drama of shame, blame, judge, and general meanness - truly, if that’s all you bring, go away

  17. To get into shape to walk in Tuscany with Colette, Claire and the group in April

  18. To visit with my therapist, life coach, and energy reiki master regularly

  19. To continue with weekly visits to the chiropractor, RMT, acupuncturist, and lymph drainage RMT

  20. To stay open to new-to-me modalities for self-care

  21. To MOVE more, consistently, every day WITH EASE. This includes buying a Pelaton to use daily (as well as my reformer Pilates machine, rebounder, Pulser vibration machine, inversion table, and treadmill)

  22. To put all memories of Bill (wallet, passport, glasses, etc) in the bamboo box that once carried his ashes

  23. To organize a woo night with a medium for my friends (reminder: follow up with Elyse’s Yolanda lady)

  24. To make room in my heart to be loved again as I deserve to be, at the very least stay open to the possibility

  25. To live in an entirely constructed home - with dust eradicated – with nothing left to do, ever

  26. To become a tub person now that I have the most expensive (and sexy) one known to human kind in my home

  27. To continue to say yes to invitations and meet more people new to me

  28. To live my weekends in pajamas, no bra, and chunky sweaters all winter long

  29. To have a mid-week pajama day - maybe Wednesdays will work best?

  30. To travel to Greenland and Iceland, maybe the Faroe Islands, too

  31. To have a proper home in my home for everything that is in it - get rid of the rest

  32. To purge all of the clothes, books, housewares, and appliances that I don’t need

  33. To be rid of my psoriasis

  34. To stay active in CFUW and open to other community groups in the area

  35. To go to the TIFF films in Owen Sound on Mondays

  36. To continue organizing monthly dinners out with the ladies - keep finding new places to eat, grateful to more that are opening!

  37. To get back to my 2x daily meditation practice - find and use my Sensate

  38. To eradicate the pain in my hips, shoulder, elbow, and lower back

  39. To make better use of my time – be not do, yes, but be better

  40. To do only the things that fill me up and bring me joy

  41. To hire a really good accountant for future needs (read: grandchildren)

  42. To read all of the books on my shelves and in the piles and put reviews on my bookstagram and Goodreads

  43. To put a landscape plan together for the backyard and then execute it

  44. To enjoy Chloé’s graduation trip to Canyon Ranch in Tucson – then plan a trip for the boys in 2025

  45. To make and print my 10th Anniversary “Reflect and Manifest” prompt book

  46. To decide my priorities and stick with them until they aren’t anymore, then find new priorities

  47. To enjoy a visit with my cousins - in New Brunswick - in May to research my childhood (0-4) and hear their stories

  48. To remember that people show up from a place within themselves; it has nothing to do with me

  49. To wear all the Camilla I want

  50. To make an extensive travel list and send it to Erica - stop dreaming and start visiting

  51. To continue my research on goddess and female empowerment

  52. To discover new seasonal cocktails, it’s so much fun!

  53. To continue listening to new-to-me music, alt-rock is my favourite but surprisingly, I’m enjoying the stories in country/alt/folk music; and, keep making playlists that make me happy on Spotify

  54. To finish the last credit required toward my UofT certification in creative writing

  55. To collect all of my camera lenses and take more photos with my dSLR - and post online

  56. To take photos of a month of sunrises

  57. To take photos of a month of sunsets

  58. To learn how to take photos of the night sky - especially the moon phases, meteor showers, and Aurora Borealis

  59. To travel to Finland or Norway and sleep outside in the forest - amid the trees and stars - in one of those clear bubble rooms

  60. To find practices to replace One Little Word and BestSelf prompts on the blog

  61. To write a story a day, every day

  62. To clean out all of the freezers by using up all of the meat and only buy more when it’s all gone

  63. To make a protein smoothie for breakfast every day (or hot steel-cut oats, depending on the weather)

  64. To use all of the TRANONT products as directed

  65. To clean out the pantry and have only things I use, not things for recipes I haven’t made (and likely never will)

  66. To design and make a recipe book for the kids - spiral-bound

  67. To create necklaces and bracelets with all of the gem beads I’ve collected

  68. To have my children listen to and trust their instincts when it comes to choosing life partners

  69. To decide whether I should write on SubStack or continue on my blog

  70. To make books out of my numerous blog series over the years, even if they’re incomplete

  71. To participate more on Middle Years Monday

  72. To stay in touch with the incredible women I’ve met at the Book Mama retreat, so talented!

  73. To propagate my plants - find proper potting soil! Oh, and buy African Violets to honour my Nannie.

  74. To make some needlepoint art again, find the things that brought me joy when I was younger and do them again

  75. To receive the large art piece commissioned for the entry

  76. To learn how to listen to podcasts and audiobooks, I find it hard to concentrate outside book form

  77. To be calm through inevitable chaos

  78. To take myself on field trips - either with a group or by myself on my self-curated list of places to visit

  79. To hire a full-time cook and maybe a housekeeper

  80. To take a cruise down the Danube, as Bill and I talked about

  81. To have more patience when people give me more details than I can possibly remember (I can barely remember names!)

  82. To decide what kind of digital project I want to create next year, if any (* gasp *)

  83. To buy the property next door and put on 4 dwellings for the kids and host women’s retreats

  84. To make sure the new backyard includes what I miss from my old home: lighting, sails, gas firepit, and bubbler

  85. To re-home the English elms in the front so Dave and Christina can have a view of the water (get rid of the spiteful juju of the previous owner who was odious - evidence has proven this to be true)

  86. To figure out how to watch Hallmark movies now that Eastlink has gotten rid of the W channel. When is Rogers coming North?

  87. To watch all the movies (not just Hallmark) - and remember the endings

  88. To get over my claustrophobic fear of deep water (lake, ocean) and what’s in it that I can’t see

  89. To go out to dinner - me and a book or movie downloaded - at least once each week

  90. To learn how to use my Apple Pencil on the iPad to put my handwriting on digital projects

  91. To shred all of the paperwork in my office and organize the files

  92. To make my garage look like a showroom with proper cupboards, hanging slats, painted floor

  93. To do all I can to make sure Doug Ford, Pierre Poilievre, and Trump don’t get back/into office

  94. To sing at karaoke with friends

  95. To attend a real lobster boil in PEI (or anywhere in the Maritimes) on the beach or church hall

  96. To get all of the lighting and electrical right in my home (dimmer switches everywhere and more plugs!)

  97. To have the dog washing station all set up and working with cupboards to hold all dog paraphernalia

  98. To say a final goodbye to the generational trauma borne into my family, knowing I have passed down little, if any, to my kids

  99. To do all I can to encourage and facilitate world peace - my contributions will be but a drop, but they’ll be there

  100. To slow time - November is going by in a blink! 


