HELLO MONDAY | 25.01.21
HELLO INTUITIVE CONSULTATION | I enjoy a life that is open to new experiences as I endeavour to understand the tangible and intangible world around me. Since Bill’s death, I’ve had a couple of occasions to participate in mediumship which regularly solidifies my belief that there is something more happening “out there”. A few things you simply can’t make up and these sessions have provided great comfort as they are eerily accurate. I wonder who will show up and what I’ll learn today?
HELLO FULL MOON | It’s the full wolf moon in Leo, the sign that connects us with our hearts and wants us to be more creative. Of course, Leo can be a bit attention-seeking and needy, I freely admit this as my moon is in Leo and boy can it wreak havoc on my emotions! This full moon my plan is to take it easy, possibly take a moon bath and think about what I need to do to bring more fun into my life – and maybe have a good cathartic cry.
HELLO MERCURY RETROGRADE | It’s that time again. Many are wary or even scared of this event, but this is a time I enjoy. I was born during a Mercury Rx and I suppose it just resonates with me and my Virgo energy. This is a time to get organized, review and make plans for what’s next. I love me a list – they are always a welcome and practical salve for my soul.
HELLO WORLD GLIMPSE | I’m enjoying an occasional peek into life around the world by way of WindowSwap which has had me see the harbour in Hong Kong and a view of Dubai as well as other places completely foreign to me. Maybe on my virtual travels I’ll find places I’d like to visit in person once it is safe to do so, hopefully in the near future!
HELLO #THE100DAYPROJECT | Normally held in April, this year the annual creative project has been bumped due to the stir-crazy societal anxiety caused by the pandemic. I want #100daysofLINARphotos to capture this time of transition. The next 100 days are ideal for it.
HELLO MONDAY | You are my favourite: I love that you provide me with 52 fresh starts every year.