HELLO MONDAY | 18.01.21

HELLO VISIONBOARD MAKING | I’m curious how CBR will put her own twist on the old dream board/vision board idea. Everything she does, from the most ordinary to challenging, is elevated. It is a pleasure to learn from her. This promises to be fun! (Even though I’ve completed my iMovie and a dream board for 2021, I’m always open to learn more, apply new techniques and make room for new dreams.)

HELLO DANGEROUS TIMES | Nerves are raw after the last 12 days of news from our neighbours to the south. The upcoming inauguration in the U.S. has me concerned over the health and physical safety of the incoming administration as well as anyone in attendance. It has been a terribly stressful time. It is awful to witness even from a great distance and the safety of our border. The negative energy of the last 4-years has been overwhelming in its consistency and vile messaging. As we all know, a negative narrative travels faster and digs in deeper because it arrives “first” which somehow provides validity. I’m afraid it’ll take far more than one term of even-handed behaviour and civility to turn this around.

HELLO WRITER’S CONTEST CALENDAR | Part of my challenge to embrace “brave” this year includes submitting to publications and writing contests. I’m ordering my copy from Brian Henry who always has an abundance of them. Fingers crossed I come up with a few ideas worthy of submission!

HELLO LOCKDOWN DEADLINE | Originally we here in Southern Ontario were to have a lockdown through the end of this week – instead, we are now in a state-of-emergency situation with stay-at-home orders. It would have been nice to think that most of us took the precautions requested and required so that we can “get out of living room jail” but sad to know that our numbers of infections are climbing by (preventable) leaps and bounds. Now to figure out what the hold up is with the vaccine distribution.

HELLO NEW HOME TOWN | After a week of moving odds and sods to prepare my new home, it’s time to pack up two big moving trucks and bring at least half of the contents up north. Thank goodness moving is considered an essential service! I’m excited to get things set up, introduce the dogs, walk around the neighbourhood and familiarize myself with my new surroundings – all masked up, of course!

HELLO MONDAY | You are my favourite: I love that you provide me with 52 fresh starts every year.


HELLO MONDAY | 25.01.21


HELLO MONDAY | 11.01.21