HELLO MONDAY | 12.04.21

HELLO STREET PHOTOGRAPHY | I’m looking forward to participating in and learning from “Street Photography in your Neighbourhood with Aaron Norberg” presented by Sigma. It’s definitely something I would like to be more confident doing, pushing my photography and people skills.

HELLO NOOM | Cole joined not too long ago and was raving over the program, so I signed up, too.

HELLO VANITY FAIR | I got myself an All-Access Pass to their Cocktail Hour, LIVE! It looks like it’ll be an interesting few evenings with fascinating people in the lineup.

HELLO 7 ENERGIES CHALLENGE | The brilliant Colette Baron-Reid is bringing it back, better than before! I’m looking forward to a refresher and welcome realignment.

HELLO READING | Normally I’m comfortable not knowing. I fully embrace the “this too shall pass” philosophy about all good and not-so-good things in life. I’m feeling unfamiliar anxiety and discomfort in this weird time in between. I’m hoping to nudge myself in a direction by having an astrology reading. My Saturn Return is coming up, I’d like to know what that means for me. I’m about to find out!

HELLO MONDAY | You are my favourite: I love that you provide me with 52 fresh starts every year.


HELLO MONDAY | 19.04.21


I AM CURRENTLY | April 2021