Do you ever open your inbox and realize that you receive regular correspondence and you don’t remember how or when that happened? In late April, I opened a newsletter from Emily P. Freeman who apparently has a book and a podcast. I have no idea where I discovered her or what compelled me to sign up for her newsletters. They date back to the “big delete” in mid-January so I could have been receiving them for years and not known it. Though they tend to be a bit more religious than is my preferred woo fare, which makes my signing up even more surprising, then again, discovering them on Bill’s birthday makes complete sense.
I like how she writes “Intentional reflection is a way to bear witness to your own life” and then she shared her end of April questions. I answer them here:
Name a moment of celebration in April.
As a mother of four young adults there is no possible way to boil down celebration to one or even two moments! Or maybe there is … I am celebrating that I am able to bear witness to my kids bravely facing adulthood on their own terms. They’re all learning that there are no right or wrong choices. There are simply choices which will lead to more choices. You do the best you can with the information you have at the time. Then you course correct. Which to me defines adulthood: one course correction after the other. If I’ve taught them anything, I hope they say “yes” to any opportunity that makes their soul sing. If the last month is any indication, it’s going to be an active and interesting next few years.
What did you need more of in April?
I needed to write down the stories and not think that I can remember them (after all, I can walk into a room and not for the life of me know why I’m there!). I need to write down those little snippets of conversation, story starts, the evaporating memories of a dream, shocking moments, the ache of a memory, events that make my heart race or tears fall, this all needs to be recorded - then catalogued in a manner that I’ll be able to locate them when they’re needed!
What’s one arrow you’re following into May?
I’m truly living my best life - more content, truly happier than I’ve been in a very long time. I’m allowing myself to feel the feelings and move through them. I’m trusting myself to make choices that are for my highest good and not in the interest of others. I certainly want this level of joy and confidence to follow me to next month. Most of all, in April, I greatly enjoyed the 21-day manifesting adventure with Mike Dooley and Pam Grout. If anything, I’d like to bring that with me forward into May and beyond as a conscious morning practice. With my morning coffee, out on the porch, I want my day to begin with “Today I, Lee Currie, will manifest __________” and see what happens. The key is to not be attached to the form the Universe chooses to answer my request. For example: I want to write an elevated chick-lit novel, a fun and engaging beach read BUT if the Universe sees fit to send me a fabulous story that’s filled with intrigue and adventure, I’m not going to dismiss it.
What about you?
I’ve gone through and read all of the newsletters I’ve let accumulate in my inbox and have decided to stay on the mailing list. I’ve even signed up to follow The Next Right Thing. We are in alignment on a lot of things, and she also provides plenty for me to think about. (If I had any question about whether or not Bill was involved, she’s re-reading Falling Up by Richard Rohr - it makes complete sense. Now to find his copy (annotated) or mine (pristine). His will be a more fun read!)