BRAVERY 52 | List 48

LIST 48 | List the things you have succeeded at after failing one time (or many times) before. List the things that you want to achieve now that you can probably do better because of what you learned from attempting or failing in the past.

I’ve managed to succeed at a few things, they are all hard-won victories for which I am endlessly grateful:

Boundaries that serve me well

The discovery that unconditional love is something I’m completely capable of giving to someone other than my children - and I miss it! (Reminder: grief is love with no place to go.)

Agency, mind-blowing once I allowed myself this gift

Independent travel, which seems to amaze everyone - at home and away

Patience and radical acceptance - with myself and everyone around me

Recognize all that I need in my life to take care of myself

A lovingly curated small but mighty group of girlfriends (who have an equally mighty group of lovely husbands) all of whom are exquisitely kind to me and my kids (dogs, too!)

I can take a good photo - SOOC - no editing or enhancing

Singing loudly to what I think are the lyrics to every song that comes on the radio

Bought, decorated, renovated, landscaped, and sold many homes (all but one for a healthy profit) - and I’m doing it again!

Raised four brilliant, kind, and generous adults. It was not without challenge, but boy was it worth it. I like all of them. Bonus? I hear from each of them every day!

What I’d like to achieve, going forward, includes:

Enjoy the blank page and write my life into being, embrace my inner magical Neil Gaiman meets Alice Hoffman

Make cannabutter for homemade CBD gingersnaps and maybe figure out THC cookies, too

A daily fitness routine that includes walking, skipping rope, and strength training

Survive Phase 2 of the big home renovation - the entire exterior is being revamped!

Have everything in its place, always

Enjoy the basics of MORE consistent self-care: move more, eat more, drink more (water!), sleep more, read more, travel more, journal more, write more, love more, watch more, walk more, laugh more, woo more, meditate more, photograph more, feel more, connect more, open more, trust more, hug more, and experience way more magic

I appreciate all that I’ve learned and know that the lessons will only serve me well going forward. I have to be willing to fail, even at something I’ve mastered. With forgiveness and curiosity, I need to dust myself off and climb back on - zero recriminations.




BESTSELF™ ICEBREAKER | Self-Awareness 08