MORE | July
I have enjoyed how my word has shown up for me this year. I carry it with me every day and check in to see if my choices throughout the day take it into consideration when I’m making a decision. It really does cut down on thinking since I’ve already done all of it.
This month, one of the guest teachers (Felicitas) for the Ali Edwards One Little Word course provided us with a new prompt right up my alley: write a list!
Here’s how things went for July:
It was fun recognizing a few small victories since the start of the year. I realize that most of my life is now filled with baby steps forward. The kids are pretty much raised with lives and loves of their own, the move is complete, the dogs are healthy and happy, and the reality is that we continue in a pandemic that rages on (drastically curtailing my desire to travel); there is no real “big picture” changes or plans - at least, none that I can foresee for myself. I’ve curated a lovely and peaceful life filled with friends, laughter, and real connection. I’ve learned that I thrive in calm, the constant suburban drama of my previous life was truly sucking me dry, and I have no desire to have any of it in my current iteration.
And with that said, I am off to the kitchen to make a simple turkey sandwich with a side of carrots and maybe a few cherries, which I will eat outside on my front porch. Life is good here in Southampton. I can only hope that it’s equally lovely wherever you find yourself.