HELLO MONDAY | 08.03.21

HELLO VOID | I’ve been participating in a spiritual mastermind course for three sessions. It was the best, most supportive, place for me to grieve when Bill died. I greatly enjoyed our weekly meditation meetings on Zoom and I learned tools to make going forward in my life more joyful and safe. Seven months! What am I going to do this week? And the week after that?

HELLO CHEMOTHERAPY | My boy is headed back to the hospital for another treatment. He is feeling better – our hope is that Nelson (the tumour) is shrinking as the pain has become less acute.

HELLO ACCOUNTABILITY | I’ve hired someone to help me with getting things done – a coach whose sole purpose is to keep me on track and producing what I want to birth into the world. Fingers crossed!

HELLO STORY | 1098 words written. #FuckIMissHim

HELLO ANNIVERSARY | One year ago this week we had no idea what the next 52 weeks would bring. We never do, but no one could have predicted what we continue to live through. My new home is in the Green Zone while Caden and I have just been released from “lockdown” (though you’d never know it by the number of people walking in tight groups on the streets of Toronto) and we’re in the Gray Zone. Everything is like it has been all along: inconsistent and confusing. #MaskUp

HELLO MONDAY | You are my favourite: I love that you provide me with 52 fresh starts every year.


HELLO MONDAY | 15.03.21
