The good weather took its sweet time arriving! I was hoping to not jump back quickly into life after my time away and the weather definitely precluded any temptation. Everything was late: switching out clothing; outdoor furniture set out, cleaned and pillows in place; stacking firewood for the fire pit.

As for some small good things for May?

ONE | It’s time to sit down with a big pad of paper and a collection of coloured pens in hand to go through and figure out my variety of story outlines. Are they all part of one big story? Do they complement or challenge each other? Are they all viable projects? What story/characters can I live with for 3+ years? Then? Write a fucking story. A shitty first draft. Stop getting stuck in perfection.

TWO | I had gotten away from the practice of manifesting. For 21 days, I’ve been following along with Pam Grout and Mike Dooley in their Magical Mystery Manifesting Adventure and I’ve realized it’s well past time to put this practice back into place. It’s so much fun to play with energy through the course. The Universe is infinitely generous and fun - I live in infinite gratitude.

THREE | I have a number of photo walks coming up. There are colour walks on Monday afternoons and an around-town walk on Sunday, 29 May. I’m looking forward to getting outside and exploring the area more this summer. Moving to a new town in the middle of a pandemic certainly imposes a number of limitations. The pandemic isn’t over, I do continue to wear my mask into enclosed spaces, so most of my exposure to interaction happens outdoors.

I continue to show up, dare to ask for more, and say yes to all opportunities that resonate with me and my values.

What are some small good things you can do to feel engaged and accomplished?


