HOLSTEE | Creativity
Creativity was the theme for July and I was so excited as it was completely in my wheel house. That being the case, I decided to make it harder by going outside of my comfort zone to try some of the more unfamiliar exercises and prompts in order to push myself and learn something new. I’m not much of a poet or artist so that’s where my challenge began.
I particularly enjoyed reading about the work of Carol S. Dweck, I have her book “Mindset” and am somewhat familiar with her teaching. The Hostee workbook distilled it down to a single page and it is my hope, and I make every effort, to move past my tendency toward perfectionism (fixed mindset) to make mistakes and use them as opportunities to grow and learn (growth mindset). I “get it” in my head - I just need to work (hard) on allowing my heart to absorb errors without criticism. I had to laugh at the reference to Duck Syndrome which was the ‘perfect’ way to describe how I once tried to be - living with “an expectation to do things right the first time, every time, and seemingly with ease” when no one can see the furious paddling under the surface. The key to change is acknowledgment.
We were invited to participate in a 30-Day Challenge which proved to be the best part of the month. It, along with the rest of the workbook, provided me with a number of tools to be more creative and add more creativity to the more mundane parts of my day.
Growing up I was taught that in order to be accepted I had to conform. My curious and rebellious personality was to be kept under control at all times. My nature is to be a creative person but my nurture quashed it. I’m slowly giving myself permission to be who I am and not what is expected of me by family or society. I am finally at a point in my life where I am safe and financially secure enough to generate as many bad ideas as I want!
“Creativity is not the finding of a thing, but the making something out of it after it is found.”
What is your favourite creative outlet?
Writing, followed quickly with photography - it’s even better when I get to combine the two.
Who inspires you to think differently?
My new home is located in a highly inspirational place. There are countless writers and photographers surrounding me, I’m happy to follow them on social media. I also follow (seemingly) countless writers, podcasters, artists - of all stripe, who fill me up with all kinds of ideas and starting off points, and sometimes closure.
What creative activity can you get completely absorbed in?
I can be completely absorbed in anything from folding the laundry to washing dishes, so it’s no surprise that more creative ventures keep me focused. I enjoy making beaded jewellery - like malas without the mala; I listen to music all day long somehow absorbing all of the words; I write, constantly, and am often surprised when Grammarly sends me my weekly summary to see just how many words I wrote (on the computer - my journals are another thing entirely); even cooking can keep my attention.
What is something creative you did when you were younger that you no longer do? Why don’t you still do it?
I was a trained vocalist and sang in our church choir. I no longer do it only because I no longer attend church. I still sing - in the car, in the kitchen, in the shower - whenever the mood strikes.
What is something you’d like to create but are afraid to start?
A novel. I’m stuck on finding the “perfect story”. Something engaging, fun, mysterious, romantic, authentic, with characters you will love to love and maybe even love to hate. I’m very stuck on what it can’t be and need to simply start writing and allow it to be.
What part of your day requires you to be most creative?
I don’t know that this question is applicable to me at this age and stage of my life.
Are you a perfectionist? Does this help or hinder your creativity?
I like to think I’m a recovering perfectionist. It used to be all-encompassing, but now it’s more hit-and-miss. Clearly, I’m looking for the perfect story to tell, but I don’t have to make my bed every morning (that used to be a non-negotiable). All of my hundreds, perhaps thousands, of books are separated by fiction (the games room) and non-fiction (my office) and alphabetized by author name but the games room and the office both look like a bomb hit them. The inside of every kitchen drawer is meticulously organized, but there are piles of paper, mail, supplements, and projects, out on the counters reminding me that they have to be completed.
I think once I get over myself and find a groove, my tendency for consistency and showing up will help. Right now, it’s a hindrance. There is so much going on in my head, I simply need to get it out. The weird thing is that stories come to me in the middle of the night, while I’m driving, when I’m doing mundane chores, but the second I get my phone, notepad, or computer * poof * it all goes away!
What about you? Does creativity come easily to you, are you considered by others to be creative?