BRAVERY 52 | List 24
LIST 24 | List the times you have had to disappoint someone to do what you believed was right for you.
Not often.
I was recently asked to invest in some speculative opportunities (which may have happened) with a bonus request for a personal loan (that was simply not ever going to happen it was so outrageous in scope) and the fact that it all came at the same time pointed me in the direction of "no". After consulting some super-smart money people, they confirmed that my instincts were correct. I know that the person who asked is disappointed and their behaviour after I said "no" confirmed for me that it was the right decision.
I was asked to include two people in a recent correspondence. I don't like either and have no interest in including them in my life in any way. I declined and though it made the asker feel bad and put him in a possible situation that would make his life uncomfortable, at this age and stage I'm choosing my comfort over those of anyone else. My decisions are made for my spiritual, mental, and physical safety and that of my children, no one else. I've officially tapped out of that messed-up game.
My man, Bill asked me to make a number of promises to him when he was spending more time in the hospital than at home. He was very specific, giving me the exact reasons why he wanted things the way he wanted them. Rarely did he speak in a direct manner, so I knew his requests were important. In order to keep my promises to him, I've had to disappoint others who feel they have more claim to his wants. Dying desires are not to be messed with or ignored, so I'm keeping all of my promises. There are (sadly) only a few left.
Those are more examples than I expected! It turns out, I am becoming more comfortable trusting myself - showing up for me and doing the right thing no matter how uncomfortable that might make me. I am so accustomed to making sure everyone's needs are met this is a whole new experience. I like it.