BRAVERY 52 | List 08
LIST 08 | List the times hope has helped you through an experience or situation.
I don't know that hope has played much of a part in my life, at least in the way I understand the meaning of hope. Hope as a concept is a bit too airy-fairy for me - not dependable enough. If anything, I need absolutes rather than pie-in-the-sky. I put together a plan toward a goal and work, daily, in incremental steps, toward what I want.
The only practice that comes even close to hope is the creation of my annual-ish "God Box" where I write my hopes and dreams, those things for which I have zero control, and place them in a box for the Universe (God, spirit, divine one, whatever you want to call your higher power) to handle.
With time and experience, I've learned that I have control over little. Hope does not help me through anything, options help me. I am willing to be disappointed as long as I can pivot and make the best of what I've got.
I don't live in hope, I live in "shit into sunshine".