BESTSELF™ ICEBREAKER | Self-Awareness 05
I would have Bill here with me.
I have to admit, there were huge lessons for me found in the incredible love and profound grief of the last year. OMG, I just looked at the date - almost a whole year since he left this plane of existence! The depth of my love for him was something I had never experienced before. I am grateful for all of him every day.
I couldn't have been more present or given any more of myself than I did during our time together, and I know it was the same for him.
I have no regrets.
There are things I might change. Knowing what I know now, (and we had discussed all of the "what ifs") how the trajectory of our lives would have been completely different. Would I go back that far? I don't know.
I think our story is what it was supposed to be. The only part I'd change would be his expiration date. I'd have liked for him to be here with me and all of our eight kids (combined) a few decades longer.
I continue to live my life on behalf of both of us, holding to the lessons and gifts he gave and continues to give me.
Note: it'll be a year since he passed on 02 August 2021 at 5:17PM. His memory is a blessing.