PROJECT | #AugustBreak2022
This year things were switched up to accommodate Susannah Conway’s time, and she simply didn’t have any to host this particular challenge - hopefully she’s back for December. I shared the prompts I had made up for myself which came directly from previous years’ #AugustBreak challenges. A few I decided on only because they were hard and would take me out of my comfort zone.
Here’s how it turned out:
DAY 01 | Morning Light
Each day when I get up, I wander downstairs to let the dogs out to do their business. Across the river, I enjoy seeing the flag at the end of High Street, letting me know what temperature to expect. Today the wind is going toward the lake, so it’s going to be a warm day. If it were coming off the lake, the breeze would be cool. If there’s no breeze, then it’s time to shut the door and enjoy the air conditioning! #AugustBreak2022 #MorningLight #FlagForecast
DAY 02 | Grateful Today
Over the last decade or more, I’ve moved from a transactional life to one that has me in a constant state of gratitude. I do what I know is right and good with no feeling of scarcity and no expectation of reciprocation. As I gratefully adjust to small town life, I’m regularly reminded how calm and peaceful my life is becoming and I welcome more of it. I start and end my days with gratitude and it has made a world of difference in my life. Today I’m profoundly grateful for discovering and practicing gratitude. #AugustBreak2022 #GratefulToday #GratefulForGratitude
DAY 03 | Handwriting
Bill’s presence in my life was the greatest gift the Universe has thought to bestow on me and I will be forever grateful for all the joy and love he brought over our 37-year friendship. I miss him every day, his laughter, his wisdom, his kindness, his music rabbit holes, and his love letters - in fancy cards, on scraps of paper, on napkins, even on mirrors. He was truly a joy and delight. #AugustBreak2022 #Handwriting #GoneTwoYearsYesterday #NeverForgotten
DAY 04 | Where I Live
The town of Southampton has a population of around 4,000 people which quadruples (or more) when the summer weather arrives! Located on the sandy shores of the great Lake Huron, it is a popular tourist destination. My home, a spacious 3-storey fussy, yellow, replica-Victorian (with plenty of room for my kids, their friends, and - fingers crossed - maybe grandchildren someday?) is located on the hill above the Saugeen River where it meets the Lake. The location is ideal, exposing me to lovely breezes all summer long - winter is another, bitter and cold, story! I had no idea what to expect when the dogs and I moved here, but it turned out better than I ever imagined. #AugustBreak2022 #WhereILive #NoSafetyNet
DAY 05 | Crush
A favourite summer treat is locally picked, delicious, sweet and juicy, Ontario strawberries, which are now abundant. Crushed over angel food cake with some whipped cream? Delicious! #AugustBreak2022 #Crush #StrawberryShortcake #SweetTreat
DAY 06 | Reading
I decided this summer to spend more time reading. It’s always been a favourite past-time but I wasn’t reading much in the past couple of years - only a handful of books. I used to read a handful of books each month! I’ve spent some time taking a step back and a critical look at my life - what’s missing and what’s taking up too much time. After a few tweaks, I’m back to reading and loving every minute of it. #AugustBreak2022 #Reading #EscapeIntoABook
DAY 07 | Pink
Running along the edge of my property on the far side of the long driveway (a total bitch to deal with the snow in the winter!!!) is a beautiful hedge of mostly now-spent pink hydrangeas. They replaced the pink and white peonies of spring. There are a few stubborn blooms that refuse to follow their predecessors and I’m rooting for them - I appreciate their struggle and spirit! #AugustBreak2022 #Pink #Hydrangeas #VaryingShadesOfPink
DAY 08 | Sky
Even with the clouds, the light of the moon flooded my home last night. I took a quick shot as I took myself (and the pups) up to bed. The sky today is cloudy, and grey, but the drizzle is welcome! #AugustBreak2022 #Sky #Moonlight #DanceUnderTheMoon
DAY 09 | Vintage
I have an old (early 1900s) painting still in its original (outdated) frame. That’s about as vintage as it gets in my house! It’s a snow scene, which on hot days like this, provides visual relief. #AugustBreak2022 #Vintage #ChallengingPrompt
DAY 10 | Talisman
According to its definition, a talisman is worn to project one's present feelings, as well as hopes for the future - in essence, a good luck charm. I don’t know that I have any of those! What I do have is an annual necklace or charm that represents my guiding word for any given year. For 2022, I chose MORE as my guiding word and enjoy my daily reminder to live my word. #AugustBreak2022 #Talisman #GuidingWord #OneLittleWord #More
DAY 11 | One Wish
I have three big asks at this point in my life, but the ONE for this prompt is: I wish to find the key to my losing weight. (It’s not an eating issue, in fact, I struggle to eat enough calories in a day; it’s not food choices, or getting enough sleep, or working out, or getting enough rest. The frustration is real.) I want to feel comfortable in my own skin. I want to live in that feeling of liberation and release my old stories. #AugustBreak2022 #OneWish #ByeByeWeight #WelcomeLiberation
📸: Google Images
DAY 12 | Raw
My two silly Labradoodles, Tucker and Finn, are riddled with allergies and yeast in their ears. I recently switched them over to a raw diet. Not only has Tucker lost some steroid weight, but their coats and eyes are also brighter and there is way less scratching keeping them (and me) up at night. Though it is more work than a quick scoop out of a bag, I feel like it was the right choice for them both. #AugustBreak2022 #Raw #RawPerformance #DogFood #HealthyChoice
DAY 13 | 6 O’Clock
It’s hard to believe after raising four children to adulthood that I made my very first pizza, with fresh dough from @CrustAndCrackle, last night. At 6 o’clock I took it out of the oven, sending up a little prayer that it turned out well - and it did. It was far too much for one person, but that just means I have plenty for breakfast and lunch! My most favourite pizza place in town closed down for good a couple of months ago and none of the other places come close. This will likely be my option for my once-every-few-months pizza! #AugustBreak2022 #6OClock #FreshPizza #PizzaDough
DAY 14 | Bedroom Window
In the house, the two large bedrooms have an old-fashioned, single-paned, pretty window - one in each room. The glass ripples and distorts the view. My guess is that they were reclaimed when the house was built in the mid-80s. I like them, they have a sense of dreamy whimsy about them. #AugustBreak2022 #BedroomWindow
DAY 15 | Art
I believe we are all artists and our lives are our canvas or blank page or stage. This quote from the lovely, quirky, and talented Helena Bonham Carter has always resonated with me as it expresses (more artfully) exactly how I feel. #AugustBreak2022 #Art #HelenaBonhamCarter #WiseWords
DAY 16 | Fire
I do love me a crackling wood fire, especially with friends on a cool summer night. One problem, I have no clue how to start one! I’ve recently made the “executive decision” to give away my backyard fire pit to friends who’ve just moved into town. I’m going to replace it with a gas version so all I have to do is push a button. In the long run, it’ll be way safer and less frustrating for me. Now to research the best one for my needs. #AugustBreak2022 #Fire #SummerNights #WhereAreTheMarshmallows
DAY 17 | Real Life
For me, each day of the week has an overarching purpose or theme and Wednesday is errand day. I start at the massage therapist, head over to the chiropractor, then to the farmers market (HiBerry Farm), stop by the car wash and gas station, then pick up two (pre-ordered) fresh loaves of bread. Today there is a visit to the dog groomer (their appointment last week was canceled) - I’m learning to stay flexible. This will be topped off with a late lunch with a girlfriend I haven’t seen in ages though we now live in the same town! Lunch could end up running into drinks on the porch or dinner, and that’s absolutely fine with me! #AugustBreak2022 #RealLife #RoutineMakesLifeEasy #AutomateMyDays #ItAllGetsDone
DAY 18 | 5 Years Ago
While I sorted through the 850+ photos from August 2018, I was amazed at how full life was! Kids coming and going; dogsitting for my sister; reading oodles of books; raising and releasing Monarch butterflies; Miraval (rosé) all day; ‘Church of the Rink’ was started in earnest; Oracle School certification earned; Bachelor in Paradise watched; OraclePalooza in Austin; new chiropractor; my first DreamQuest joined; kids introduced to how money works at the bank; basement library sorted; sigil making commenced; weekly hand therapy at OTMH; meals and time spent at the Oakville Club. And, the big event, after months of work from 8AM to 6PM every weekday since April (miraculously only one day lost to rain), the backyard was finally completed. A dream come true with hardscape and softscape elements I’d thought about for years. It was so beautiful, my happy place - I wish I could see it now that the gardens have filled in. #AugustBreak2022 #5YearsAgo #BackyardSanctuary #GonnaDoItAgain
DAY 19 | Makes Me Laugh
Pretty much everything about my dogs, now at almost 7 and 5, Tucker and Finn always make me laugh. They still need to be taught how to tug with each other - Tucker will tug all day long, Finn is more reluctant. They also haven’t figured out “fetch” as they prefer their own version we call “keep away”. Fun to watch them all interact when the kids come home. #AugustBreak2022 #MakesMeLaugh #TheAdventuresOfTuckerAndFinn
DAY 20 | Sweet Delight
I don’t have much of a sweet tooth, give me salty and savoury! There are, as with everything in life, exceptions. Crispy, crumbly, salty/sweet, chocolate chip cookies. I used to be able to get an amazing version at Whole Foods. Oh my goodness, were they ever good. I’d buy a bag of 8 and freeze 7 so that they lasted a couple of months - always greatly enjoyed with a hot cup of tea. I really must learn how to duplicate the recipe so that I can have them whenever I want - they’ve not been available at Whole Foods for some time. #AugustBreak2022 #SweetDelight #ChocolateChipCookie
DAY 21 | Beneath My Feet
Water! We’ve had precious little rain this summer and this is the second afternoon in a row we’ve had a thunderstorm. As badly as I feel for the tourists, I’m grateful for the gardens and all of the local farms desperate for rain. #AugustBreak2022 #BeneathMyFeet #DoingARaindance
DAY 22 | Project
I am always doing one project or another, constantly learning and sating my curiosity and need to know more. This week I’m taking Biz Love Up with @SusannahConway which appears to be a workshop on how to show up more visibly in your business. I don’t have a business but I do have a life. Perhaps it might spark a few ideas for me to show up better for myself? #AugustBreak2022 #Project #BizLoveUp #ShowUpForMyLife
DAY 23 | Hope
Even when things appear dire, I hold onto hope. Life is never static, it’s ever-changing and evolving. The bad moments always pass. #AugustBreak2022 #Hope #LookUp
DAY 24 | In The Distance
We’re entering storm season around here and no doubt this year will be as spectacular as last. I sit out on my front porch to watch and listen to the weather roll in over the great Lake Huron. More often than not it’s a slow and spectacular show with the sky becoming as green and blue as the lake. (I have no idea where I found this photo but it’s exactly what I see in the distance.) #AugustBreak2022 #InTheDistance #StormSeason #CloudsRollingIn
📸: Unknown
DAY 25 | Best Advice
Pretty much everything ever said by Maya Angelou is brilliant. I often quote her when talking to my kids or supporting my friends through challenges. #AugustBreak2022 #BestAdvice #MayaAngelou
📸: Google Images
DAY 26 | Door
This is the main entry to my home, though it’s not used as often as the entry to the kitchen which is off to the left. I’m glad I had a chance to take this photo as nothing except the planters and hydrangeas will be the same this time next year! #AugustBreak2022 #Door #RenovationsContinue #MakingMyDreamHome #RingDoorBellWinADog
DAY 27 | Favourite Recipe
I had to sort through the archives for this photo! I made this for myself for dinner and completely forgot to take a picture. It’s a quick one-pot (the best kind of recipe!) shrimp and linguine dish with plenty of garlic, parmesan, and spinach. It was a bit hot to boil water today but I’ve had a craving for pasta recently and this is the perfect dish. #AugustBreak2022 #FavouriteRecipe #OnePot #ShrimpAndLinguine
DAY 28 | In My Bag
The timing is good for this particular prompt as I’m packing for a few days away which required a dump of my bag! You will not always find in it my passport or pouch with travel and vaccine documents but the rest are staples: Kindle, iPhone, medication, hand sanitizer, glasses, earbuds, pendulum, emergency earrings, keys, KIND bar, fountain pen, mechanical pencil, markers, gridded Moleskine, nail file, wallet, “more” talisman (from the brilliant Liz Lamoreau), and Oracle Cards (by the insightful Colette Baron-Reid). There will be a few trip-specific items I’ll add, but this is generally what is packed in my bag every day. #AugustBreak2022 #InMyBag #ThisIsJustTheBasics
DAY 29 | Listening
Over 10-weeks this summer I’ve been participating in a workshop centred around how we want to feel in our relationships: family, friends, romantic, society, all of it. The final assignment was to do something creative to represent how we want that feeling to show up. I learned that the most important relationship in my life right now is the one I have evolving with myself. Truly an eye-opening workshop that, for me, brought home the whole idea of putting on my oxygen mask first is my only option. I selected a number of songs and then realized that some of the tunes might be upbeat but the words were not. I went through and read every single lyric and every song on the playlist is in alignment with how I want to feel. #AugustBreak2022 #Listening #Playlist #StillFussingWithIt
DAY 30 | Evening Light
A change of scenery for the whole family as we enjoyed some wine, snacks, and lively conversation while watching the sun go down over Cape Cod Bay. A lovely close to a long and wet day. #AugustBreak2022 #EveningLight #CapeCodBay
DAY 31 | August Was
Full. There were many little shifts in how I perceive my life and how I show up in it. I have little doubt that in time, I’ll look back and realize how profoundly impactful this month was on my life as a whole. #AugustBreak2022 #AugustWas #ProfoundEnlightenment #ShowUpForMyself #PuffyHydrangeas
I’m pleased that not only was I able to contribute to the prompts for the group but that I managed to create a post via Instagram (@lee_currie_nlp) (and in the group Facebook group) for each and every one of them. A feat I don’t always manage to meet!
The next hashtag project is #DecemberReflections2022 which will likely be available the last week of November.