FOUND | 10 Years Ago
“How we spend our days is of course how we spend our lives. ”
In another life, I took a lot of photos and recorded our everyday lives. After all, life is made up of all the small moments - not the big occasions, right?
Claire and I spent some time this week finishing up all of the unpacking and in the last of the boxes were all of my cameras (film and digital), lenses, tripods, as well as a number of Compact Flash and SD cards filled with many, many fun memories! It was hard to resist - so we didn’t. On one drive we found a number of digital layouts that I had done. For years I consistently participated in the 12 of 12 project: take 12 photos and tell 12 small stories on the 12th of each month. This layout is from exactly 10 years ago today:
Wow. That was a nutty time. I had been separated since May (in fact, 12 November was our anniversary - we’d have been married 17 tense and unhappy years by the time of this layout). The kids and I were in the process of moving from the big house in Bronte on the lake to the obligatory post-separation townhouse in West Harbour. Between the normal routine of school, hockey, activities, I remember keeping everyone as active as possible so that no one could dwell on all of the changes.
I love that we had some of our then-new normal recorded. Life, it appears, is all a process of going from new normal to another new normal, isn’t it?
(Now to find the time to go through all of the rest of the treasures!)