SABBATS | Wheel of the Year

Over time I’ve found an ease and flow of inviting the natural rhythm of the pagan Sabbats into how I live and they often guide how I show up in the world. The practice connects me to nature and the here and now - what I know is important, to me, to all of us. The combination of ritual and natural rhythm resonates deep within me. My practice has become as integral to me as breath.

Sabbats allow us to better appreciate nature, the gifts and challenges held within each season. The calendar that holds the Sabbats is often referred to as the Wheel of the Year. The celebration of each Sabbat is as individual as those celebrating, though there are some rough guidelines for each festival which you’re welcome to follow, add to, or adjust in a way that suits you and your needs. There are no hard and fast rules, simply guidelines and rationale behind the ritual choices.

The Sabbats are divided into two types: Greater and Lesser. The designation has nothing to do with importance but to what they represent. The Greater Sabbats celebrate agricultural cycles, the natural cycle of life, death and rebirth. They take place on the same calendar date each year:

Lughnasadh, 01 August

Samhain, 31 October

Imbolc, 02 February

Beltane, 01 May

The Lesser Sabbats are solar celebrations that honour where the sun is located in the sky. They coincide with the two solstices and two equinoxes. The dates of the Lesser Sabbats are determined astronomically so they fluctuate from year to year.

Mabon, 20 - 23 September (Autumn Equinox)

Yule, 20 - 23 December (Winter Solstice)

Ostara, 20 - 23 March (Spring Equinox)

Litha, 20 - 23 June (Summer Solstice)

The Major Sabbats are Beltane, which focuses on life; and, Samhain, focused on death, two distinct and opposite aspects. These two events take place when the veil between the earthly dimension and the spirit dimension are the thinnest. What does that mean? Communications between the two dimensions are more likely to be successful for a week or so before and after each of these two events.

Any and all Sabbat observances are fluid and dependent upon your personal beliefs and comfort level. There are no rules for behaviour or participation, there are some loose guidelines. For my personal spiritual practice, I particularly enjoy the option to keep what I like, leave what I don’t, and add what works better for me. Practicing paganism does not have to be complicated to be authentic and caring.

Though I’ve studied and have great knowledge about the subjects of paganism, magic and witchcraft, I consider myself to be a light practicing neo-pagan witch. I am not interested in converting anyone to how I believe, as I stated from the start, it is a practice that resonates deep within me, like breath.

NOTE: I am no expert but have learned a lot over the years, I’m open to learning more in the future. I will share my experiences here.


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