LIST | Time for Joy

Recently I was reminded to revisit and update my Joy list.

Though my days are now 100% my own, there is only so much I’ve scheduled into my calendar. Sometimes I find myself with unstructured time and I want to fill it only with those things that bring me joy. So, here is my most recent go-to list of activities that truly evoke joy - when I have an unexpected spare moment I can fill it with what I know brings me true happiness.

5 or 10 minutes:

Stretch. I have a simple goal: to get up off the floor in a dignified manner. To that end, I stretch on my Pilates reformer daily. If I have a few extra minutes, I find a staircase or chair (or even open the truck door) and one leg at a time, gently lean in to stretch my aching hip flexors.

Google recipes. Sometimes I have obscure ingredients that I’d like to try. Right now I’m headed back to a more Mediterranean way of eating. My most recent search was for how to cook wheat berries. Next up will likely be how to prepare artichokes. I’ll print out a couple of recipes that look good.

Write a brain dump. I regularly open my Notes App on my phone and just list all of the things in my head. It is truly one of the greatest gifts I give myself, especially if I feel stressed or anxious.

Watch Instagram Stories. I post mine but often forget to look at the stories of others. I find they give great insight to my friends and others I follow.

Have a kitchen dance party. I’m sure if my neighbours were to look in my kitchen windows they’d think me ridiculous dancing throughout the kitchen - sometimes with a dog, others singing into a wooden spoon.

30 minutes:

Go for walk outside. Or tune into a session of “Get Fit With Rick” on YouTube.

Legs up the wall. Even better, I’ll put on my headphones and listen to a guided meditation at the same time.

Read a magazine. I don’t have as many subscriptions as I once did, but my go-to reads are the Bella Grace publications from Stampington and Company - which includes the “Cozy Issue” and “Field Guide”. They are so whimsical, a feast for the senses simply overflowing with inspiration.

Curl up with a novel and a cup of coffee or glass of wine. I have full-to-bursting bookshelves with countless unread treasures - as well as a full Kindle. There are plenty of opportunities to get lost in words. And any excuse to drink coffee, after years of not being able to, I welcome. (The wine is a given.)

Take a nap. I’ve recently given myself permission to rest when I’m tired. It’s remarkable how rebellious and liberated it makes me feel!

Out and about: 

Sit on a bench by the flag. Close my eyes and allow myself to enjoy the fresh breeze and sounds of the great Lake Huron while letting my thoughts wander. Daydreaming is the best.

Window shop on High Street. And sometimes, if something catches my eye, go in and support one of our lovely local businesses.

Browse a stationery shop. This is my happy place and I will have to find one - or a bookstore.

Take some photos. My camera is always with me, either the big Canon dSLR or the one on my phone. It’s nice to take the occasional detour to see what I can see.

Eat breakfast out. There are a couple of really lovely local breakfast places and sometimes bacon and eggs taste better when someone else makes them.

That’s my new, revised, constantly-evolving list. What’s on yours?




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