BRAVERY 52 | List 07
LIST 07 | List the things you once dreamt of having in your life that you do have now.
When I was young I had so many of my own dreams. They were nudged out and the dreams of others, over time and repetition, became my own. It took me a long time to realize I was living a life that wasn't part of my plan. With a lot of work, I managed to let go of what wasn't mine and, truth be told, I'm working on new dreams for my future.
For years I fought hard against the idea of dreams as I deemed them as flaky, not serious or adult enough. I replaced them with more tangible plans and goals - my neverending lists. Dreams need freedom and space to expand and change - lists are restrictive and provide a sense of control.
The only dream from childhood is the one that came true: being a mother, four times! Over the past couple of years, I've come to realize that there is a place for dreams - they're not irresponsible or flaky. And they can coexist peacefully with my penchant for plans and lists.
(NOTE: the only other thing I dreamt about regularly for decades was Bill. Though I don't have him now, I did have him for the last 299 days of his life. I will be forever grateful for every minute of his being with me in my life. He was my dream come true.)